The lean start up MVP

May 24, 2024
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In the context of digital product development, the concept of Minimum Viable Product (MVP) has emerged as a crucial strategy for businesses aiming at effective innovation and risk reduction. It has become significantly popular in the startup business.

This strategy has become increasingly popular in recent years, bringing numerous benefits to product development and market validation. In this article, we will explore why MVP has become a popular tool in startups and how it has contributed to the development of startups.


What is MVP?

An overview of MVP


MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is a software development approach that technology companies use to assess the capabilities and potential of a new product before committing to full-scale development. The main idea of MVP is to build a simple version that still meets basic customer needs, and then continue to develop and enhance the product based on user feedback.

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The concept of MVP is derived from the lean startup method, emphasizing the importance of rapid testing and listening to feedback from users. By focusing on minimal features, it significantly reduces the time to market and development costs. This version serves as a testing ground, allowing developers and businesses to validate assumptions and measure user interest without extensive resource investment.


The benefit of MVP for startups

The benefits of Minimum Viable Product


Before the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is introduced, many startups face the risk of difficulties and challenges in the product development process. With the desire to create a perfect product, founders often invest a significant amount of time and money in building a full-featured version of the product.

However, this approach often leads to substantial waste in terms of time, money, and effort, as well as an increased risk of failure. With the Minimum Viable Product approach, a version of the product or service is developed with sufficient features to satisfy early users and collect valuable feedback, contributing to the success of the startup. Below are some benefits of MVP:

Risk mitigation

Reducing the financial risk of developing a fully-featured product 


Startups often face challenges with limited resources, whether it's financial capital or human resources. MVP allows you to create a simple product with only the most basic features, still evaluating market demand and assessing its potential before scaling up investment.

This approach significantly reduces the financial risk of developing a fully-featured product that may not attract attention in the market. Companies can allocate resources wisely based on market feedback, reducing the risk of wasted investment

Interaction and feedback collection from customers

Measure user feedback and interest


Minimum Viable Product allows product for a quick market release to measure feedback and interest from users. This way, startups can adapt their product to specific needs, leading to high customer satisfaction and loyalty. Focusing on users not only enhances the chances of product success but also builds positive feedback loops for future versions

Continuous improvement services

Ensuring the final version aligns with user expectations


The MVP method relies on the principle of rapid iteration and continuous improvement. Through user feedback and real-world usage, developers can identify areas for improvement and clarification. Startups can swiftly adapt to changes in user needs, fix errors, clarify features, and add functions based on real usage patterns. This iterative process not only improves the product but also ensures the final version aligns with user expectations

Attracting potential investors

 Increasing opportunities to secure funding for further business development and growth


Investors are likely to invest in a company with clear evidence of market demand and customer engagement. By introducing a project or product in action, startups can demonstrate the ability to provide solutions that resonate with customers and have the potential for expansion. This can significantly increase opportunities to secure funding for further business development and growth.

To successfully develop the MVP method, developers need to follow some basic principles. Firstly, they must identify the product's main goal, potential issues to address, and the most crucial features. Next, they should build an initial version sufficient to satisfy the basic needs of customers.

Finally, developers need to listen to user feedback and use that information to enhance and evolve the product in subsequent versions. The Minimum Viable Product approach is an intelligent and effective way to develop digital products. MVP is not only a startup method but also a long-term approach to optimize the digital product discovery process.


MVP examples from successful startups

These examples illustrate the MVP model in developing technology products



Facebook's success when applying MVP


Facebook, founded by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004, initially catered exclusively to Harvard University students. The initial idea was to create a social network where students could connect, share information, and create groups for communication. However, with basic features like messaging, profiles, and timelines, Facebook quickly captured user interest and made communication more accessible


Airbnb's success when applying MVP


Airbnb is another exemplary example of an MVP. Launched in 2008, Airbnb's co-founders, Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia started with a small website to connect people in need of accommodations with those who had empty homes. Initially, the website had a very limited number of listings and lacked advanced features. However, the innovative idea and convenience offered by Airbnb attracted users, gradually making the platform popular worldwide


Instagram's success when applying MVP


Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger founded Instagram in 2010, allowing users to upload and share photos on mobile devices. Initially, Instagram had a limited set of filters and basic features. Nevertheless, this model was warmly welcomed by the user community and quickly evolved into one of the largest and most popular social media apps globally

These examples illustrate the power of the MVP model in developing technology products.


Above is the entire foundational knowledge about the concept of MVP also known as the Minimum Viable Product. If you are working in startups or seeking ways to develop new products, understanding the concept of MVP is crucial. It will give you more opportunities to refine your product, mitigate risks, increase the chance of building a successful product, and more. Wishing you success in your work and projects! 


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the disadvantage of Lean Startup?

The main disadvantage is that this methodology may not apply to all types of enterprises. Companies with a long period for the product development process are not likely to adopt the Lean Startup Methodology because it is very fast-paced.

2. Is Lean Startup still relevant?

The Lean Startup methodology, although powerful and relevant today makes a major contribution to the future also. Nevertheless, adaptability and the ability to incorporate shifting trends will be the most notable factors in determining how well individuals employ this methodology.


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06. Is there a contract for website design service?
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