Ecommerce Copywriting: How to Boost Sales by Copywriting

Mar 19, 2024
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Do you have an e-commerce business? And how can you sell your products? eCommerce copywriting is one of the most important components of e-commerce content marketing. Writing high-quality e-commerce copywriting enables you to quickly attract the attention of potential customers and help them understand the value of your products/services, thereby influencing their purchasing decisions. If you own an online store and want to use it to improve your overall sales performance, you must understand the skills and importance of writing high-quality e-commerce copy.

In this article, we'll walk you through each of the steps needed to engage readers and entice them to make a purchase. To start, we've broken down the process into simple steps below.


What is Ecommerce Copywriting?

E-commerce copywriting is the process of using the text or writing the content to guide customers through the online sales journey and to engage in a desired action.

To promote and publicize their products, brands, or services, merchants can promote them through various online channels (such as the currently more mainstream Shopify, Amazon, eBay, and B2B e-commerce), and accordingly. Therefore, copywriters must write and publish promotional copy for goods, brands, or services on these platforms.


And you think how can Ecommerce Copywriting Boosts Sales? Studies show that well-crafted copywriting can increase conversion rates by up to 30%, translating directly into higher ROI for your business. Whether you're writing product descriptions, landing pages, or email newsletters, every word counts – and the right words can mean the difference between a sale and a missed opportunity.


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ecommerce copywriter

Ecommerce copywriting is more than just selling products. 


Tips to Improve your Ecommerce Copywriting Skill

Now, the big question is “Where do you start?” and “How can I be a professional e-commerce copywriter?” There are many ways you can get the best results. Here are the tips to make your ecommerce writing even better:

  • Know Audience: You must conduct thorough audience research to understand the needs, preferences, and pain points of your target customers.
  • Tell them a Story: Use storytelling techniques to connect emotionally with your audience and showcase the value of your products or services.
  • Highlight your products: Highlight the benefits of your products or services rather than just listing features. Show them how your offering can solve their problems or improve their lives.
  • Language: Use strong verbs and persuasive language to create a sense of urgency and compel readers to take action.
  • SEO: Conduct keyword research and optimize your copy for search engines to improve visibility and attract more organic traffic.
  • A/B Test and analyze: Continuously test different copywriting approaches and analyze the results to identify what resonates most with your audience.
  • Authentic: Maintain authenticity in your copywriting by being honest and transparent with your audience. Avoid using misleading or exaggerated claims that could damage your brand reputation.

Here are the Examples

Before: "Our product is high-quality and affordable."

After: "Transform your home with our premium-quality furniture at prices you can afford. Shop now and elevate your space without breaking the bank."

ecommerce product copywriter
Ecommerce copywriting and SEO work hand-in-hand.


How many Types of Ecommerce Copywriting?

There are many types of e-commerce copywriting, and different copywriting is suitable for different situations and achieves very different effects. E-commerce copywriting can be roughly divided into the following four categories.

Banner cross-border e-commerce copywriting

Banner ads are the most common form of advertising on the Internet. They generally appear on web pages in the form of image files in jpg, png, gif, and other formats and are used to express the content of the advertisement. Banner ads are generally placed in more prominent locations on web pages, such as at the top of the website homepage.

Banner cross-border ecommerce copywriting is usually a short title plus a logo or a concise signboard. It mainly serves as a reminder, suggesting that consumers click on the image to open other pages to learn more detailed advertising information.


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Online copywriting for internal pages

Online internal pages include many pages, such as product list pages, search pages, product display pages, etc. For copywriting, online in-page copywriting is mainly created to describe product display information and often appears as product title copywriting, product promotion cross-border e-commerce copywriting, product description copywriting, etc.

E-commerce brand copywriting

E-commerce brand copywriting is mainly used for brand building and the accumulation of brand equity. Generally speaking, e-commerce brand copywriting mainly builds and spreads brand image through stories. The quality of the copywriting content directly determines the quality of the brand story, so attention should be paid to the shaping of the story and the ideas to be expressed. A good brand story can reflect its core brand culture and achieve a popular and long-standing effect.

The focus of brand story copywriting is "story". Certain descriptive techniques create an infectious story, allowing consumers to integrate themselves into the storyline, generate themselves, and bring emotions, to better infect consumers and impress consumers. heart and make them recognize your brand. 

Brand story copywriting should not be too unrealistic. You can choose more representative events, brand leaders, company origins, etc. This will make it easier to touch consumers and facilitate consumers' memory and dissemination. The brand story copy must clearly describe the time, place, and characters of the story, as well as the cause, process, and results of the event.

The brand's origin, philosophy, value, and other information must be integrated into the development of the story so that the brand's popularity can be increased through the story and influence. For example, the brand story copy of La Mer Essence Cream was created from the perspective of the source of raw materials and the production process of the product, which reflected the high quality of the product and left a good brand impression on consumers.

Online promotion copywriting

E-commerce copywriting serves the entire online platform. To promote and publicize their products, brands, or services, merchants can promote them through various online channels (such as the currently more mainstream Weibo, WeChat, information websites, and communities), and accordingly. Therefore, copywriters must write and publish promotional copy for goods, brands or services on these platforms. 

Due to different promotion platforms, online promotion copywriting has different writing methods and forms of expression, but the same thing is that they all attract consumers by writing attractive content, increasing consumers' attention to the topic, and guiding them to Actively participate in the topic discussions, and invisibly inform consumers of the product's features and functional requirements in detail to stimulate their attention and desire to purchase.

For example, the following two advertisements take advantage of Women's Day to integrate brands, products, and hot spots, and use hot spots to promote products. This is a technique commonly used in online promotion copywriting.

best ecommerce copywriting
Ecommerce copywriting needs to be clear, concise, and scannable.


Benefits of E-commerce Copywriting

E-commerce copywriting can have a significant impact on key metrics for your business such as sales, conversion rates, and brand awareness. 

Well-crafted product descriptions can boost your business conversions by up to 80%, while compelling landing page copy can increase sales by 20% or more. So, can the figures impress you?

Boosting Conversions with Compelling Copy

A good B2B e-commerce copywriter understands how to write in a way that connects with the right people, talking about their problems and suggesting solutions convincingly.

Building Brand Authority with SEO-Optimized Content

SEO has a role in driving organic traffic to e-commerce websites. By optimizing product descriptions, landing pages, and blog posts with relevant keywords, a SEO copywriter for e-commerce can help businesses rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and attract more qualified leads.

copywriting e-commerce
Ecommerce copywriting must be optimized for smaller screens.


Where is E-commerce Copywriting Used?

Copywriting for e-commerce is used on a variety of platforms and channels, such as social media, email marketing campaigns, websites, and online ads. Here are a few instances of e-commerce copywriting in action:

  • Website: Compelling product descriptions, engaging About Us pages, and persuasive landing page copy.
  • Social Media: Captivating captions, enticing posts, and interactive content that drives engagement and encourages sharing.
  • Email marketing: Convincing calls-to-action (CTAs) that encourage conversions, interesting newsletter content, and persuasive email subject lines.
  • Online Advertisements: Attention-grabbing ad copy, compelling headlines, and persuasive messaging that entices users to click and learn more about a product or service.
e-commerce copywriting services
Ecommerce copywriting is an ongoing process.


Real-Life Examples of E-commerce Copywriting Success

Many successful e-commerce businesses have mastered the art of copywriting to drive sales and grow their brand. 

For example, fashion retailer ASOS uses witty and engaging product descriptions to connect with its audience and differentiate itself from competitors. Similarly, online marketplace Etsy leverages user-generated content and storytelling to create a sense of community and authenticity around their brand.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Do I need a copywriter for my website?

Creating content can be time-consuming. Professional copywriters are often at an advantage of producing content that is not only better quality but also faster and more effective than you can and this enables you to focus more on the sales aspects. Writing website content can be challenging and frustrating if it’s not part of your daily routine.

2. What skills should I look for when hiring a copywriter for ecommerce?

Select a copywriter with commanding writing skills presenting clarity, creativity and persuasion combined with SEO knowledge. They should understand ecommerce principles, customer behavior, have keen attention to detail, and excel in meeting deadlines in a fast-paced setting.


Wrap up

There is one constant that never changes: the importance of effective copywriting. By leveraging the principles of persuasion and storytelling, you can help your online business sell more products. Investing in professional e-commerce copywriting is the way to unlock the full potential of your online store.

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