Web SEO Analytics: How to Use SEO Analytics for Your Website?

May 14, 2024
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Choosing the right web SEO analytics platform is important for improving your website's performance in search engines and overall. There are many options available, so finding the best one for your needs can be tricky.

This article will explain how to pick the right web analytics tools for SEO and how they can help your website succeed. Web analytics tools use complex data to understand how people find and use your website. This data, along with SEO strategies, helps businesses learn valuable insights about their website's performance, how visitors behave, and how well their keywords are working.


1. What is SEO Analytics for Websites?

SEO Web Analytics involves the process of data gathering and its analysis to help you better understand the efficiency of your SEO Strategy and website in the unpaid search engine. Google Analytics and Google Search Console are persistent tools of SEO analytics.


2. Why Does SEO Data Analytics Matter for Websites?

When you look at the SEO statistics and content, you might reason why you need to do that. What are the advantages of tracking SEO data?

Eliminating Guesswork

The main reason why you invest in SEO is to see whether or not It's optimized. For example, you want to know if optimizing your contemporaries is productivity the expected results. You would also want to know if any of the practices you are implementing are ineffective.

Analyzing SEO data gives businesses more certainty when optimizing their website by eliminating the guesswork that causes some frustration. They can't rely on pre-built rules but also make data-driven judgments and insights about user behaviour, keyword performance, and search rankings. This data-driven strategy ensures that SEO activities are consistent and effective, delivering better results.

Deeper Understanding of Audience

Analyzing SEO data can give companies an accurate view of their audience's interests, behaviours, and needs. This understanding goes deeper than just simple demographics and helps create targeted content, keywords, and strategies to be more interesting to their target audience.

The personalized approach not only improves user experience but also enhances conversion rate. With your campaigns launching and using these strategies, you may find that your audience is not engaging your brand the way you anticipated.

However, you have search engine analytics reports, therefore, you can see the way they engage with your listings and develop them. By learning more about your audience, you can make your SEO strategy more targeted to attract more new customers that will convert into quality leads.

Measuring Campaign Success

SEO data analysis allows marketers to see clearly where success is and where it is not in their campaigns. The main purpose of tracking key metrics like organic traffic, click-through rates, and conversions is to establish the effectiveness of various SEO strategies and investments. This in-depth understanding leads to a steady way of improving and refining the resources to the most powerful means while providing a better return on investments.


3. How to Analyze a Website for SEO?

A website SEO tends to concentrate on information that is already available and may be applied to the website rankings. An SEO analysis for your site recommends you include certain stats in your report, key in some fields of data, and perform some series of operations on these data.

To produce a complete analysis of the use of SEO in a website, it becomes crucial to dive deep into a few metrics that will give comprehensive details about user behaviour, engagement levels, and the effectiveness of optimization. Utilizing this data, it becomes easier to identify the weaknesses and improve the SEO strategy accordingly to give the desired results


The number of the particular page of your website that has been seen. This data helps you to get an idea of which articles see the most interest. Through analyzing page views, you can find well-performing posts and then tune them up to keep the interaction among users high and to have their SEO work fine.

Reviewing the Percentage clicks is an idea of the popularity of a page on a website but other data is also needed and the traffic analysis tool can help here. Metrics with high page views show the strong potential of your website.

Unique Pageviews

Tracks the number of sessions in which the page has been viewed at least once. Unlike the total pageviews, unique pageviews register each user visit only once during a given time range. This data offers insights into the page performance and user engagement of the individual pages.


Represents the complete number of visits to your website within any defined period. Sessions Analytics will allow you to research information such as total website traffic and user behaviour patterns. Knowing how users interact with the webpage ensures that relevant information is structured, content is appropriately placed, and the overall user experience is improved to foster longer and more beneficial visits.

New Visitors

Visitors are hitting your website for the first time during the next suggested time frame. Monitoring data on new visitors is the first step in reviewing the implemented SEO strategies that helped to grow a new audience. A surging number of fresh visitors is an indication of successful outreach and web coverage by search engines’ results.

Returning Visitors

Visitors who have visited your website several times during a specific period are users of interest. The return visitors are an indication of good user retention and engagement. It means that your site provides the user with something of value and a good user experience and therefore they might end up revisiting the site which could lead to higher rankings in search engine results.

Traffic Source

Categorize the way visitors come to your website (e.g., organic search, direct traffic, referrals, social media). As to the traffic sources, this helps to understand which channels bring most of the traffic and conversions. Through analyzing traffic sources, you can optimize SEO performance for specific channels and better allocate your resources.

Bounce Rate

It shows the percentage of visitors who leave your webpage without navigating any further. A high bounce rate could reflect the lack of relevance of the content, a poor user experience, or a long load time. You can use bounce rate analysis for this purpose to determine which pages and areas require improvements to reduce bounce rate and improve user interaction.

As a good example, utilizing Google Analytics or other SEO analytical tools, you can monitor and analyze those metrics for some time to assess the performance of your website as well as your SEO efforts. This data-driven technique enables informed decision making allowing the user to refine SEO strategy, content optimization, and website performance for greater search engine visibility coupled with user experience.


Web SEO Analytics Tools

Web analytics tools are pivotal in tracking and improving a website’s performance, user behaviour as well as marketing strategies

HubSpot Marketing Analytics & Dashboard Software

HubSpot delivers a complete package of marketing analytics instruments that allow companies to trace and assess different aspects of their online presence among others. The Marketing Analytics Dashboard from HubSpot gives you live updates on website traffic, lead generation, and customer engagement. Key features include:

  • Traffic Analytics: Track the trends and sources of the website visitors as well as their behaviour to know the visitor demographics and preferences.
  • Conversion Tracking: Measure marketing campaign influence on lead generation as well as website content conversion rates.
  • Campaign Performance: Measure the performance of email campaigns, social media ads, and any other marketing efforts you are running to get the best ROI.
  • Content Performance: Analyze the effectiveness of your blog posts, landing pages, and downloadable content to identify which ones have great performance and those that require improvements.
  • Attribution Reporting: Be aware of the sales channels that are more profitable for lead generation and sales to use the money correctly.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a platform of web analysis that is excellent and most often used by Google. It gives a wide-ranging set of methods to track, analyze, and evaluate the size of the site, user behavior, and conversion metrics.

  • Audience Insights: The gathering of such information as age groups, interests, and geographical locations of the audience.
  • Behaviour Analysis: The user interactions, session duration, and pageviews should be tracked to understand the level of engagement and how users behave on the site.
  • Acquisition Channels: Determine traffic sources (organic search, direct, referral, social) to assess the campaign’s success.
  • Conversion Tracking: Establish objectives and monitor conversions, like orders, newsletter sign-ups, and PDF downloads.
  • E-commerce Tracking: Track sales performance, revenue, and performance of products for e-commerce sites.
  • Custom Reporting: Design custom reports and dashboards with visual representations of data for tracking specific KPIs.

Crazy Egg

Crazy Egg is a heatmap and user behavior analytics tool, which gives you a visual picture of how visitors interact with your site

  • Heatmaps: Virtually view areas where the users like to click, scroll, or engage on your web pages to determine what areas of interest they have.
  • Scrollmaps: Recognize how far the users scroll down on your pages and note the drop-off points.
  • Confetti Reports: Look at clicks within sections based on various factors (e.g., traffic source, device type, demographics) to establish user preferences.
  • A/B Testing: Run A/B tests to improve page designs, CTAs, and content depending on the user’s behaviour statistics.
  • User Recordings: Watch video sessions playback to see how individual users behave on your site and fix the usability issues.



Doing SEO for your website is like having a roadmap to success online. By checking website stats like visits, traffic sources, and how people interact with your site, you can see what's working and what's not. Tools like Google Analytics help you track this data easily.

Seeing this information helps you understand what visitors like and don't like about your site. You can then improve your website based on this knowledge, making it more attractive to visitors and search engines. This will help your website grow and reach more people in the long run.

Frequently asked questions
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Holding a leadership role in the company, I aspire to fulfill the mission of bringing bespoke website solutions to empower businesses to thrive in the digital age, fostering both operational effectiveness and competitive advantage, ultimately contributing to sustainble business growth and success.
Mr Hua Thien Vuong
Co-Founder & CEO